
  • Marcos Vinicius Iglesias Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) - Brasil



Industrial policy; industry 4.0; state capacity


Historically, industrial policy has been the object of constant discussion and controversy both in the theoretical context and in the sphere of economic policy in developed and developing countries. In this sense, the main focus of this article is to approach, in an exploratory and contextual way, the issue of industrial policy and its relationship with industry 4.0, mainly in the Latin American context. Specifically, aspects related to the role of the State and its capacity as an orchestrator of industrial policy are discussed, as well as the entire institutional context that involves the innovative process and the implementation of industrial policy 4.0. Finally, a documentary analysis of the main instrument for guiding industrial policy 4.0 in Argentina and Brazil was carried out. The main final considerations of the research point to an accelerated deindustrialization of both countries in recent years and to a recent policy of industry 4.0 in the initial stages or of "socioeconomic preparation" of the system, as well as a "passive" policy due to the character of its objectives and the horizon guided by actions that do not involve large technological development projects or import substitution in the long term.

Author Biography

Marcos Vinicius Iglesias, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) - Brasil

Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) - Brasil


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How to Cite

Iglesias, M. V. . (2021). CONSIDERATIONS AND REFLECTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL POLICY 4.0: BRIEF ANALYSIS OF ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL. Ibero-American Journal of Economics & Business Research, 1(1), 14–31.