Board for the resolution of disputes and controversies in contracts for the execution of public works




Dispute Resolution Board; alternative means of dispute resolution; contracting with the state; Public Works.


General objective: Strengthen concepts, experiences, strategies and plans in the management of criteria in the strengthening of the Dispute Resolution Board (hereinafter, JRD) for the forcefulness and reception of its decisions in the face of controversies arising in the execution contracts of public works, presented in Econbiz, Sisbib, La Reference and Alicia in the years 2017 to 2022. In addition, the specific objectives were to adopt the concepts, contributions and experiences of the JRD, for the dissemination and determination of the leading role of this medium alternative dispute resolution (hereinafter, MARC) of the heterocompositive type, also known as Dispute Board (hereinafter DB), in the resolution of disputes arising in the execution of public works contracts. Methodology: A systematic review was conducted where 1424 records were initially identified, which after applying exclusion and inclusion criteria resulted in the identification of 18 final records, from which data was extracted alluding to the names of the authors, the year of publication, the title of the record, the type of document (thesis, scientific article or technical report), conceptual contributions in JRD and committed actors, experiences, proposals and management in the dissemination of the JRD. Conclusion: Of the seventeen (17) identified records, one (01) case comes from Ecuador, and the other sixteen (16) records are national theses and articles (Peru), which in their entirety contain valuable information in relation to the JRD, concluding in its entirety, on the importance, implementation, diffusion and strengthening of this MARC, oriented to the solution of controversies that could arise in the execution of public works contracts, without the need to resort to arbitration if the conditions and the well-founded opinions they determine it.

Author Biographies

David Fernando De la Cruz-Gonzales, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Tarapoto, Perú

Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Tarapoto, Perú

Mirko Juniors Morales Ramírez, Universidad César Vallejo, Tarapoto, Perú

Universidad César Vallejo, Tarapoto, Perú


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How to Cite

De la Cruz-Gonzales, D. F. ., & Morales Ramírez, M. J. . (2022). Board for the resolution of disputes and controversies in contracts for the execution of public works. Ibero-American Journal of Economics & Business Research, 2(1), 47–60.