Internal control and its impact on the management of the budget of the Municipal Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Esmeraldas canton, Province of Esmeraldas - Ecuador, period 2019-2020
Control Interno, presupuesto municipal, gestión, eficiencia.Abstract
The objective of this research was to analyze internal control and its impact on the management of the budget of the municipal decentralized autonomous government of the Esmeraldas canton, province of Esmeraldas, during the period 2019-2020, due to the positive levels of compliance with the requirements of the community, will make the growth of the territory possible in the short and medium term. The type of research was quantitative, descriptive, field with a transactional non-experimental design. The population was made up of an intentional sample of 15 officials who work in the Asset Administration and Control Unit, a dependency of the municipal decentralized autonomous government of the Esmeraldas canton (GADME), linked to the budget administration of the aforementioned locality. The data collection techniques were; on the one hand, the survey and on the other the documentary research. The information collected was analyzed using techniques typical of quantitative research. The results indicate strengths in terms of planning, reporting, periodic monitoring, and hiring trained and professional personnel. Likewise, there are failures when validating reports such as budget execution, execution of the strategic plan and reports from the control unit in order to detect inconsistencies, a key aspect of internal control in order to obtain optimal information on the policies and practices that are executed in the institution, it was also detected that evaluation or self-evaluation is not carried out that allows collaborators to know performance indicators regarding their functions. Among the main conclusions it is indicated that it is necessary to overcome these inconsistencies to address community needs effectively and in the shortest possible time to achieve a good life for the citizens of the Esmeraldas canton.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jenny Jeannine Guerrero Toala, Karla María Bautista Cabeza, Fabiola Lisbeth Figueroa-Moreno, Juan Carlos Bustamante Portez, Wendy Gimabell Arias Lascano
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