Design of a financial administrative plan for the elaboration of products derived from dairy products, Natural Yogurt case




Market plan, marketing, administrative plan, finance, company


The objective of this article is to introduce the powdered yogurt "LA CALIDAD" in the national market, for which a financial administrative plan has been prepared that meets the short-term objectives. The data of the environment that will surround the QUALITY, both Macro and Micro, was collected, thus having a global vision where the yogurt powder will develop. Through the technical feasibility study of the project, it will be possible to know about the production process, the materials required, the labor to be used, the necessary machinery, everything about the necessary infrastructure for the project, the situation of the company will also be known. such as vision, mission, goals, organizational chart and staff roles, and plant layouts.

Author Biographies

José Aníbal Angulo de León, Investigador Independiente

Ingeniero en Contabilidad y Auditoría

Marina de Jesús Gavilanes-Franco , Investigador Independiente

Licenciada en Contabilidad Educativa

Walter Fernando Alcívar Alcívar , Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Portoviejo, Ecuador

Investigador. Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Portoviejo, Ecuador

Bryan Alexander Gallardo Bustos, Investigador Independiente

Magister en Gestión de Empresas Turísticas

Junior Alencastro-Guerrero, Pontifica Universidad Católica Sede Esmeraldas, Ecuador

Investigador. Pontifica Universidad Católica Sede Esmeraldas, Ecuador

Rafael Aníbal Intriago-Mera, Autoridad Portuaria de Esmeraldas, Ecuador

Investigador Independiente. Autoridad Portuaria de Esmeraldas, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Angulo de León, J. A. ., Gavilanes-Franco , M. de J., Alcívar Alcívar , W. F. ., Gallardo Bustos, B. A. ., Alencastro-Guerrero, J. ., & Intriago-Mera, R. A. . (2023). Design of a financial administrative plan for the elaboration of products derived from dairy products, Natural Yogurt case. Ibero-American Journal of Economics & Business Research, 3(2), 2–23.