Marketing of services: from effective communication
Relationship, Organization, client.Abstract
Currently, success at the organizational level depends on a multiplicity of factors and complex in its understanding, one of these factors is customer satisfaction, which is influenced by the product offered by the company, which could be an objective element But the quality of service offered by its staff, specifically the effective communication established between the client and the organization, also influences it. The objective of this essay was to analyze the Marketing of services from effective communication. For the development, various bibliographic sources were consulted and critically analyzed. One of the relevant aspects is to show that the approaches in which marketing has focused is on the identification of strategies that can be implemented in organizations in order to achieve success; However, if everyone in organizations were aware that quality is a progress that somehow ensures permanence in the market and increases profits, it can be possible for everyone to turn this into a lifestyle, which entails becoming familiar with and Getting to know customers about their tastes, comforts, preferences and most importantly being able to obtain an opinion from them to achieve continuous improvements in the company from communication aspects.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Máximo Freddy Quisaguano-Calo, Marcelo Enrique Reina-Tello, Rosa Isabel Subiaga-Delgado , Carlos Omar Gutiérrez-Ruano, Cristhian Eduardo Quiñonez-Guagua
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