Management of computer systems in the field of commercial engineering to find business opportunities in companies
Management, companies, informationAbstract
The objective of this research article was to analyze the management of computer systems in the field of commercial engineering to find business opportunities in companies. To achieve this objective, the methodology was quantitative, the study design was non-experimental, cross-sectional. The population was made up of 20 businessmen who expressed their intention to participate, being selected at random. The study technique consisted of an interview and the instrument was a questionnaire. The SPSS version 24 program was used, the data was carried out through descriptive statistics in which it was presented in frequency tables according to the levels of each variable. It is concluded that the businessmen consulted have indicated that the area responsible for business management uses information technologies; They also have knowledge and access to information systems that facilitate their task in management. They also consider that they use specific computer systems for business management and management information. Finally, they are aware of the preponderant role of commercial engineering to facilitate opportunities through a management system, to increase business opportunities.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alma Delia Sánchez Rodríguez , Diana Carolina Sánchez Rodríguez, Teresa Isabel Mina Quiñónez
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